Thursday, 2 February 2012

The hardest part is over.

The hardest part of traveling is getting off your ass and doing it. I've been through a lot of stressful situations in my life, but none more anxiety filled than the night before (and morning of) this departure date.

The morning of the flight I simply did not want to leave, at all. I just wanted to lie in my cozy, familiar bed for a few more hours. Perhaps go for a walk to my favorite coffee shop by the beach, hell I even would've rather gone to work. I just wanted this trip to still be weeks away. Far enough away to avoid the pre-trip jitters yet close enough to get those butterfly feelings in the tummy. But alas, you can't have one without the other. You got to put up with the sour to get to the sweet (so to speak).

I'm still a bit nervous as I sit in my hotel lobby in Mumbai waiting for check in time to arrive, but I know the hardest part is over and done with. The sun just rose and I got my first glimpse of the skyline.  I'm here, I'm free, and I don't "have" to do anything tomorrow morning. Nope, no more travel preperations....just travel.

Riding the morning rush hour rails; Vashi to CST station.

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