I've made an odd New Year's resolution for 2012, one that involves simply removing 3 words from my vocabulary from this point on. The amount these 3 simple words have affected my life up until now is quite astounding, at least in the past few years anyways. Too many missed opportunities, too many missed connections, too many "wish I hads"; sweating the small stuff and living a life with regrets has sadly been all too common for me. That is up until now anyways.
I've taken a proactive approach to solve my current situation, I consider it proactive anyways... others may call it irresponsible. But what others think is of no importance anymore. I've quit my job of 5 years, filled up my piggy bank and decided to embark on an adventure - length and final destination unknown. Maybe it'll end in 3 months or maybe in a year. Better yet perhaps it won't end at all and just result in a whole new way of looking at life; a continuing journey of me seizing and capitalizing on opportunities that I know I shouldn't be letting pass by. That's the plan anyways. I invite you all to follow me on this adventure. First stop India!
I've taken a proactive approach to solve my current situation, I consider it proactive anyways... others may call it irresponsible. But what others think is of no importance anymore. I've quit my job of 5 years, filled up my piggy bank and decided to embark on an adventure - length and final destination unknown. Maybe it'll end in 3 months or maybe in a year. Better yet perhaps it won't end at all and just result in a whole new way of looking at life; a continuing journey of me seizing and capitalizing on opportunities that I know I shouldn't be letting pass by. That's the plan anyways. I invite you all to follow me on this adventure. First stop India!